How to Choose Senses Blinds

If you’re looking for senses blinds and you’re not entirely sure what you’re looking for, then today, our post should help. Senses blinds offer far greater light control than other more conventional blinds so if you a have need for that, and especially if you have young children, then senses blinds could be for you. They don’t come with a child safety chain or motorised operation, which means they’re much safer to have around small children. They’re also extremely stylish so not only do you get the great functionality, you also get all you’d expect from our wide range of blinds here at Knight Shades blinds in West Lothian.

Light Control, Privacy and Noise Control

With senses blinds you’ll get light control, privacy and noise control and they’re so beautifully designed they give any room a sophisticated, urban look. They can be left fully open, half-shut or closed. As the blinds are dropped the gap width changes, and this means you have far greater control over light. This is a clever operation that works beautifully.

Easy To Manipulate

When choosing Senses blinds, make sure they have the rise and stop function, a setting which allows you to adjust the height, so the blinds stop at the same level each time. They won’t have loops or chains, and this is far safer for children. They have one touch function with no hanging controls, so when you’re looking to buy Senses blinds make sure you look out for all these features, and if you’re unsure, ask someone. Your Senses blinds should have all of the things we’ve talked about here, and that is what you should be asking for.

Easy To Clean

They’re also very easy to clean which makes them far more useful than other traditional window coverings such as curtains, which need a lot more care and attention. Curtains require them being removed and cleaned separately requiring replacement coverage in the interim, not so with blinds, they can be cleaned where they are, on the window, no problem.

Knight Shades Blinds West Lothian – The Place To Buy Your Quality Senses Blinds

Here at Knight Shades we have a wide variety of colours and fabrics for your senses blinds but with added light control, so you have all the versatility of blinds, and that extra something you won’t get with traditional blinds. Come see our fantastic range of Senses blinds and let us help you choose the right ones for you home. We’re here to help, so get in touch today.

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